Read time: 3 mins 📢 Spoiler alert: I have an important update at the end of this email... Hey Reader, I'll be honest; I'm not sure about the freelancing course I put out last week. It was an experiment. I wanted to see: What the unsubscribe rate would be How it would feel to put it out there Whether anyone would book a call It's a mixed bag on all these things, and I felt a little dirty putting the course out there. Why? I copied the style from another creator and it didn't really vibe with...
5 months ago • 2 min read
Read time: 3.5 minutes Hey Reader, I recently moved into my new apartment! 🥳️ And not long after, I lost a major client 🤪 Months of steady work and then suddenly POOF - I wasn't needed anymore. Company structuring. Layoffs. Gone. If this happened to me two years ago, I would have FREAKED OUT! But this time? I was like "meh". That's because I've developed a system for landing gigs and making that sweet $$ As a result, I recently closed two new clients, taking my income back to where it was a...
6 months ago • 3 min read
Read time: 1 minute Hey Reader, Now I know what you're thinking: You're a writer, Scott! Why are you recording YouTube videos?! I hear you! The truth is, the video I've just uploaded might be a one-off. I had grand plans to do a whole series around introverts. But after finishing this video, I've realised how much time YouTube takes. Writing the script, recording the video, editing, making a thumbnail, writing the description... It's a lot! And although I could outsource the process, I'm not...
6 months ago • 1 min read
Read time: 2 minutes Hey Reader! So much has happened since my last email - both good and bad: I'm FINALLY moving into my new apartment! 🥳️ I'll be sharing pics on LinkedIn One of my best friends got married yesterday! 💒 She asked me to read a poem (I'll share it at the end) I spoke with two writers I've admired for years!✌️ Both Michael Thompson and Sinem Günel will leading workshops in The Committed Writers Club (fingers crossed!) The Committed Writers Club had its first group call ✍️...
7 months ago • 2 min read
Hey Reader, I'm trying a voice message for today's letter! You can listen to it by clicking below :) audio letter 1.wav It's about 5 minutes long. Thanks for being here, and have a wonderful weekend! Scott Has someone forwarded you this email? Join my list today & get my free 19-page guide: Everything I Did to Quit My 9–5 Job & Transition Into Profitable, Sustainable Solopreneuring
7 months ago • 1 min read
Read time: 2 minutes Hey Reader, Ready to feel inspired? Last year, Alice Lemée made $86K as a ghostwriter while travelling around Paris, Brazil, and Costa Rica 🌍 But it’s not always been like this. She’s been dealt her fair share of sh*tty hands: “Going from $5,000 a month to $0 after losing 3 clients out of nowhere. Handling client assignments during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Burning out — twice.” Here’s how Alice turned things around. ✅ Step 1: Find paying clients and THEN… “Start by...
7 months ago • 2 min read
Read time: 2.5 minutes A quick note from today's sponsor: Derek Hughes has gained 12,000 followers on Medium in 10 months and earns $1,000/month from his writing. Now, he's helping others do the same. Learn his proven strategies: How to Make Your First $1,000 on Medium Hey Reader, This is the last email I'll send for a while. 4 emails in the space of 7 days is WAY too many. (I'm sorry about this. I'll work out better segmenting for future launches!) This said, I thought you'd like to hear my...
8 months ago • 2 min read
Read time: 4 minutes Hey Reader, Do you know what time it is? It's SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TIME! 🥳️ Let me tease you with a little background first... I recently emailed writers about their goals. I wanted to figure out how I could help them. (And - by proxy - how I could help YOU ✌️) Questions included: Do you want to replace your full-time income in the next 6 months through writing? Have you ever considered full-time writing before? If so, what stopped you? I'll quickly summarise the...
9 months ago • 4 min read
Read time: 2 minutes Hey Reader, You might remember the story about my assistant Lou. A lady called Lisa reached out to see if she could work with her. Well, this is only half the story. Lisa also asked if I could take her on as a new client: The problem? I wasn't taking on new clients. My hands were too full. But rather than fritter the lead away (like I usually do), I thought back to my conversation with Sara. Sara took part in one of my 30-Day Writing Challenges and made it clear she's...
9 months ago • 1 min read