Fancy yourself as a paid writer?

Read time: 2 minutes

Hey Reader,

You might remember the story about my assistant Lou. A lady called Lisa reached out to see if she could work with her.

Well, this is only half the story.

Lisa also asked if I could take her on as a new client:

The problem?

I wasn't taking on new clients.

My hands were too full.

But rather than fritter the lead away (like I usually do), I thought back to my conversation with Sara.

Sara took part in one of my 30-Day Writing Challenges and made it clear she's looking for new clients.

She was even willing to pay me to send clients her way.

*Lightbulb goes PING in my head*

So I checked with Lisa if she'd be happy to work with someone I recommend:

"I would be happy to talk to Sara."

Now I just had to check that Sara was game!

So I opened my email and fired her a message:

Would you like me to make an intro?

I made the intro, Lisa and Sara started working together, and I'll receive a 10% cut of the project fee when the work is complete.

Everyone wins! :)

Alright, alright - where am I going with this?

I typically receive 3-5 inbound PAID opportunities a month, and I can't take them all on.

I'm basically sitting on a goldmine.

And I want to give you an opportunity to tap into it.

So, if you're a writer who's:

  • Built a written portfolio of more than 20 pieces of long-form content
  • Invested in your writing skills
  • Looking for paid work (where YOU set the rate)

Get in touch!

If you meet the criteria above, I will:

  1. Add you to a database
  2. Email you when opportunities arise (if I think you're a good fit)
  3. Opportunities will be given on a first-come, first-served basis (i.e. whoever's quickest to respond)

In return, I'll ask for 10% of the cost of the first project (e.g. if you bill the client $1K, I'll take $100.)

But after the first project with the client, I won't take anything else.

So that's the deal :)


Fill out this Google Form and I'll take a look at your application.

But be quick! I'll be closing the form this Sunday.

I hope to hear from you!


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