Hey Reader, I'm trying a voice message for today's letter! You can listen to it by clicking below :) ​audio letter 1.wav​ It's about 5 minutes long. Thanks for being here, and have a wonderful weekend! Scott ​ Has someone forwarded you this email? Join my list today & get my free 19-page guide: Everything I Did to Quit My 9–5 Job & Transition Into Profitable, Sustainable Solopreneuring​ |
Hey! Come party with 2,360 creators. I'll help you create opportunities on the internet & sneak through "third doors."
Hey Reader, Since the start of Feb, I've been trying to figure something out: How can I best serve you? You see, people on my email list have different interests: Outsourcing Freelancing Writing And on it goes. But what's the thing you've got in common? You probably stick around for me. *I just felt some sick in my mouth* 😅 All my favourite creators keep it real. Take Alice Lemee. We've never met in person, but I feel like we're internet friends because of her posts. (She's well worth a...
Read time: 1 min Hey Reader, Testimonials can help you land new clients, but there's a problem: Anyone can write them. The exception to this are testimonials on LinkedIn. They're verified. The question is how can you ask for these in a way that doesn't feel sleazy? A quick story A few months ago, I started working with Kit. It's been a joy. They're a great client. So much so, I wrote a LinkedIn post about how I landed the opportunity: At the end of the post, I thanked Thom — the person I work...
Hey Reader, I'm sorry I ghosted you. Lots of stuff has happened, so I took a break from being online. But I didn't tell you the full story. So here it is: My mum was with her partner, Rich, for 20 years. He was a wonderful man, and I considered him my dad. But a call from my mum soon changed that. "We've got some bad news, I'm afraid. Rich has been diagnosed with lung cancer. And he has brain tumours." It felt like déjà vu. My mum was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 18 months ago. (She's all...