Hey Reader,
I'm two months in as a full-time writer and it's been funny old bag!
Later in this email, I'll be sharing my highlights and "lowlights". But before that, I want to share a lazy way to attract clients.
I say lazy. You've still got to put in the work of writing content. It's just lazy in the sense you don't have to write proposals or cover letters.
Here's how it works:
Notice at the end I float the idea of working together if they're ever looking for a writer to join their team.
I'm also not sure why I signed off with "Warmly" as I've never used that before in my life - but there we go!
So that's that.
Just see what happens.
I sent the email above on a Saturday. The following Monday, Akta got back to me:
Pretty positive, I'd say!
Passionfroot also shared my article on Twitter, and their CEO liked it:
Now whether anything comes from this exchange doesn't really matter. I'm in a position where I don't need more clients, so I'm just planting seeds. I'll keep watering them over the coming months and "let the chips fall as they may".
In fact, I followed up on Sunday about how the article has performed.
I haven't heard back yet, and nor was I expecting to. It was just an excuse to show what it could be like if we work together in the future:
Appreciate this email might be a little small on your screen!
It basically just gives some stats about the article from my Medium and Bit.ly dashboards (i.e. views, claps, and how many people clicked from my article onto Passionfroot's website).
So there you have it!
That's my lazy way to attract clients. I hope you find it helpful.
As promised, here are my highlights from the last two months:
And here are the lowlights:
Going freelance is scary.
You're responsible for everything and there's no employer to fall back on.
That's something I'm slowly coming to terms with.
In those moments of doubt, I remind myself of two things:
I'll update you in two weeks on how things are going!
In the meantime, I hope you find the "lazy client attraction" method helpful (I should trademark that sh*t!)
You should also check out the Passionfroot article if you're a content creator looking to attract sponsors and collabs.
Thanks so much for reading and have a wonderful weekend! :)
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