Your responses to burnout

Read time: 4 minutes

Happy New Year, Reader!

First of all, I just want to say thank you. I know my last email was a downer and probably the last thing you wanted to hear before the holidays, but I'm glad I shared it. Many of you told me how you've dealt with burnout in the past, and reflecting on your answers warmed my heart.

It's also reassuring to know that I'm not alone in these feelings. Many of us are quietly suffering.

So today, I want to share snippets of the strategies that came my way. You may find them helpful if you, too, are struggling.

And even if you're feeling strong heading into 2024, I think you'll find these messages helpful.

Many of them are wonderfully poetic:

"Opt for you. Be gentle with yourself and be still. Let the magic find you. And it will." - Alison

"Take a complete break for 4 to 5 weeks. You had a busy year, plus your mother being ill. I hope she is improving. Get out in the fresh air as well." - Jim

"I've found Ali Abdaal's ponderings helpful. He's now made it but is wondering what next? You might find [them] interesting." - Derek

"Each time you transition between activities, hit pause, take your breaths, [and] decide how you want to feel as you do your next activity [...] Some days, my purpose for the day is just, 'Have a great day.'" - JD

"Your email resonated with me. Burnout when you do something you love is just as real as when you are doing something you hate!" - Jody

"[...] maybe more isn't your next goal. Maybe peace is. Maybe doing more of what you love and enjoy so that writing can become something you truly enjoy again." - Atiyya

"[Find] the right social connections. Those people that always ignite you, regardless of the activity you do together." - Alberto

"You are at the beginning of a new chapter, and you are totally free to design the next however you like. You just don't know what you want it to look like. That will come. You are in that place of transition that comes before inspiration and insight." - Shorombo

"It sounds like you need to take some time off to just live a bit and not think about a work schedule. Take a couple of weeks off, [or] take a month off if you have to. Just take it day by day and do some fun s**t! Your whole system needs time off. When you come back, we’ll be here to read about your next chapter. But until then, enjoy some rest and recuperation :)" - The Workers Den

"[...] What helped me was finding a new goal, something bigger than before. Something that I couldn't achieve in a few years. Yes, it might take some time to figure out what's big & meaningful that you can work towards again, but it's worth it." - Niki

"Do an annual review - do more what made you happy in 2023, do less what was terrible. That can help." - Angelina

"Your entire story resonated with me, Scott! My life, your life and many other lives of creators seem so bright because no one knows what happens behind the scenes. Like you, I was soooo happy to quit my full-time job and succeed as a soloprenuer. However, I’ve definitely paid a high price for this freedom, in terms of a long depression, endless issues with my partner and social anxiety. I just want to support you! You are not alone in this. Many creators have similar issues, but they are not as brave to talk about it." - Victoria

"Scott— I have no words of wisdom, just support :) You will figure it out. Enjoy the liminal space if you can. Congrats on all the fun things going on in your life." - Kristin

I love you guys ❤️️

After my last email, I took a week off to spend time with my family and friends, and I attended my friend's wedding down in London with my girlfriend.

Seeing so many happy faces reminded me of what's important.

I'm still not sure what comes next, but I do at least feel like I have the tools to help me work through these feelings, thanks to you guys.

I hope they can help you too.

Once again, thanks for being here, and I'm excited to see what 2024 has in store :)


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