Hey Reader,
A few weeks ago, my mum led me into the kitchen. "Scott, there's something I need to tell you." She steadied herself. "You know those tests I had before you went to Paris?"
"Well, the results weren't good, I'm afraid..."
She told me the news, but I didn't really hear it. Stage one. Cancer. The rest of the conversation was a blur.
We hugged each other tightly.
Later that night, I rehearsed what I would say at my mum's funeral should the day come. It was too much for me. I sobbed into my pillow.
I've barely been able to concentrate on anything since.
So why am I telling you this?
Honestly, I'm not sure yet. I'm vaguely hoping that I share something helpful.
My therapist and close friends have also been encouraging me to share how I feel. Writing positive affirmations has helped. "I'm a smart, capable man." "I have lots of strengths." "I achieve what I set out to achieve."
But there are good and not-so-good days.
Perhaps, then, this is just a reminder that everyone's struggling with something - even the ones who have their "sh*t together". We only see a fraction of their lives. We don't see under the hood.
And as much as I bang on about writing and freelancing, I've been rudely awakened by something we all inherently know:
People matter.
Friendships matter.
Family matters.
My mum's got her operation tomorrow, and we're hoping it goes smoothly. Best case? It goes without a hitch, and she spends the next 3-4 months recovering. Worst case?
I don't want to think about that.
So I probably won't be posting that much over the next few months, but I hope to send you another email in two weeks' time.
Thanks for being here, and I appreciate you reading this far.
It means a lot to me.
Speak soon,
Hey! Come party with 2,360 creators. I'll help you create opportunities on the internet & sneak through "third doors."
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