The guide I wish I had 5 years ago

Read time: 1 minute

Hey Reader,

If you've discovered my writing through Medium, the chances are you've seen my 19-page doc: Everything I Did to Quit My 9-5 Job & Transition Into Profitable, Sustainable Solopreneuring

It's the guide I wish I had 5 years ago when I set out to become a solopreneur.

Well, I've got some great news:

It's been updated! 🥳️

I've condensed the guide into 14 pages rather than 19, and all the Medium article links have been updated so that ANYONE can read my articles - even if you don't have a Medium membership.

I've also included 3 bonuses:

  • Money-Making Opportunities (Outside of Writing)
  • My Favourite Books About Solopreneurship
  • My Most Popular Medium Articles of All Time

Want to check out the new and improved guide?

Of course you do!

Simply click this link, and you'll be taken straight there :)

I hope you find it helpful!


p.s. The guide works best if you open it on desktop rather than mobile!

Book a 1 on 1 call with me if you need help turning your writing into $$$ (freelancing, passive income streams, audience building, etc.)

Has someone forwarded you this email? Join my list today & get my free 19-page guide: Everything I Did to Quit My 9–5 Job & Transition Into Profitable, Sustainable Solopreneuring

Entrepreneurs Can Party 🎉

Helping writers make a full-time income whilst travelling the world (just like me!) Join 2,228 creators and get my FREE 19-page guide.

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