I'm having a career identity crisis. Here's how I'm working through it if you feel the same.

Read time: 3 minutes

Hey Reader,

I'll be honest; I'm having a career identity crisis on LinkedIn.

I don't know what I want to be known for.

It's crept up on me this year, and I want to share how I'm working through it. I think you'll find it helpful — especially if you feel the same way.

Okay, let me set the scene.

After Tim Denning audited my profile (see last email), my LinkedIn has changed a lot.

The challenge is figuring out what I want to be known for.

On the one hand, I love what I do, and attracting more freelance clients would be cool. (I'm not actively looking to take on new clients, but you can never have too many 😉)

On the other, I'd like to do more coaching. I love helping writers in the 30-Day Writing Challenges, so it's something I want to explore.

Hence all the flip-flopping.

This is what I've settled on (for now):

My plan is to keep sharing content on LinkedIn (Mon-Sat) that helps writers make a full-time income whilst travelling the world.

Here are the steps I've taken to get to this point:

#1: I went through Tim's Audit and implemented his suggestions

You can read his audit suggestions here if you're interested.

#2: I took feedback onboard from my "Tim's Audit" article

One commenter thought the text for my lead magnet sounded like a crypto scam:

So I changed the language.

(We'll see how well it converts.)

#3: I read an article by Ashley Couto

It's called How to Set Up Your LinkedIn Profile So Journalists Can Find You—Tips From a Journalist.

In it, Ashley shares examples of how to use keywords and LinkedIn banners to your advantage.

It's well worth a read.

#4: I searched "How to make LinkedIn banners with Midjourney" on Google

The article below popped up.

My friend Arnolds gave me a demo earlier this year on how to use Midjourney.

So combined with this article, I was able to create my own banner.

#5: I've studied people like Christa Romano

Christa is a digital nomad coach who's made over $600K in the last three years from her coaching business.

(Her story is WILD. I've written an article about her that'll be published soon.)

I'll keep studying the best.

I recently watched Andrew Kirby talk about quitting his $1M business to get a 9-5 job.

He talked about being in a different season of his life.

And it struck a chord.

It's funny; I've pretty much hit all the goals I set for myself when I first started writing full-time. (Although I think that says more about the size of my goals — or lack thereof — if I'm being honest.)

And despite loving what I do (seriously, I get to play with words for a living?!), it won't be forever. I know that. There'll come a time when I want to spread my wings and try something else.

Which is why I'm experimenting on LinkedIn.

It's always better to try stuff when you've got nothing to lose.

So that's my message for you today. If you feel like you're going through a career identity crisis as well, try stuff, learn new skills, and lean into your passions.

We feel like all eyes are on us when in reality, no one really cares.

"You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realised how seldom they do." — Eleanor Roosevelt

Thanks so much for reading, and I hope to see you over on LinkedIn :)


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