Hey Reader,
I usually share tips about writing and making money online.
Today, though, I want to give a special shoutout to my girlfriend.
Two years ago, on our first virtual date, Ali mentioned she was working on her first fiction book. She knew the road to being traditionally published would be long, and she didn’t know where it would lead.
And she finally got to share her book with the world last week!
I’ve seen firsthand her dedication, love, and passion for this project, and I’m proud of how far she’s come. Ali’s book has been 7 years in the making, and I was so happy I could be in New York to celebrate this special moment with her.
So I hate to be THAT boyfriend, but... keep being you, Ali, and I hope people love your book as much as I do.
Here’s to cheering for those you love, and never forget to keep pushing towards your dreams.
Wonderful things can happen!
And if you want to buy a copy on Amazon, here's a link :)
Hey! Come party with 2,360 creators. I'll help you create opportunities on the internet & sneak through "third doors."
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