FREE 30-Day Writing Challenge (take two)

Read time: 2 minutes

Hey Reader,

Last October, I launched a FREE 30-Day Writing Challenge. I had no idea what to expect, and I thought I might be the only person who took part.

So imagine my surprise when over 30 people joined!

Together, we built a wonderful community, and lots of members saw their writing take off.

For example, Kieran earned almost $600 on Medium in the month of October:

Because it was a success, I'm going to be relaunching the 30-Day Writing Challenge next month! 🥳️

Please read the challenge rules below and complete this Google form (it takes 30 seconds) if you're interested in taking part! The rules have changed slightly.


  • We're going to write one article every two days on a platform of our choice (i.e. 15 articles in a month rather than 30.)
  • I'm sticking with Medium, but you might want to write on LinkedIn, Twitter/X, Substack, etc. You can even put the words towards an existing project (e.g. a book).
  • The articles have to be more than 800 words.
  • Original content only. Rehashing old content is fine, but direct copying doesn't count.
  • We'll each put $30 USD into a pot, and you'll get this money back at the end of the month if you complete the challenge. And if you don't complete the challenge, your $30 will be split between the members who DO complete the challenge. I'll create a Google Sheet so we can track our progress.

I'll also be hosting regular office hours during the challenge (exact hours TBD).

Here, you'll be able to hop on a 121 call with me and ask anything you like about writing, freelancing, SEO, etc., or swing by for a chat. (I'll have a separate phone just for the challenge!)

Does writing more consistently improve your results?

You bet!

My followers on Medium more than doubled (5.5K to over 11K), and I made just under $1,000 through Medium's Partner Program as a result of the last challenge.

So once again, if you're interested in taking part, please fill out this Google form (it takes 30 seconds).

I hope to see your name pop up! :)


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