Hey Reader,
7 months ago, I began life as a full-time writer.
And today, I’m excited to announce that my first ebook - 180 Days of Freelance Writing - is available for download!
(There's 50% off for 48 hours!)
Here's a quick story:
18 months ago, one of my podcast coaching clients reached out to me. She asked if I could write some blog content.
Sure, I said, why not?
As soon as I said yes, I started spiralling. I’d never freelanced before.
What should I charge?
How should I bill her?
What if she hates my work?
It all worked out fine, but I wish I had known the answer to these questions before I started.
That's why after leaving my corporate job last November, I decided to document my progress on LinkedIn. I wanted to share the highs and lows of building a freelance business.
🚀 Since going self-employed 7 months ago, my life has changed dramatically:
Now, I’m sharing all my lessons to help other aspiring freelance writers turn their dreams into reality.
So remember, 180 Days of Freelance Writing has a 50% early bird discount for 48 hours.
Check out this link to my Gumroad page to get your copy!
Happy reading! :)
Hey! Come party with 2,360 creators. I'll help you create opportunities on the internet & sneak through "third doors."
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