Hey Reader,
You heard me - I'm a full-time writer, baby!
My last day at my job was yesterday, and I've lept into doing what I love.
Am I excited? Hell yes!
And am I scared? Of course!
Twelve months ago, I tried the same thing. I quit my day job and clung to a flimsy-ass plan.
But the plan wasn't proven. I jumped too soon.
Way too soon.
This time, I had a bunch of conditions before handing in my notice:
Only once I ticked these conditions did I step off the ledge.
Do you see the common thread?
You got it.
Confidence ~ Proof ~ Mindset
Squeezing the harmful juices out of our brains is 80% of the game, and the best way to do this is with action. But not just any action. It's by taking action that you know gets results.
Sure, there will be mistakes along the way. That, I guarantee. But the alternative scares the sh*t out of me.
I'm not the only one:
That's why I'm doing this.
I don't know if my close friends get it. My parents certainly don't. But at this point in my life, I feel a burning desire to give this my best shot.
No more excuses. No more books. No more Gary Vee.
It's time to put in the work.
On LinkedIn, I'll also be documenting my way to £10K/month as a freelance writer. Why £10K/month? This is what I need to live comfortably in New York (where my girlfriend lives).
I'll be sharing tips, mistakes, and numbers - every Monday to Friday - so that you can see what it takes to ditch the 9-5 and travel the world. (In January, my first stop is Budapest!)
So if this sounds up your street, give me a cheeky follow on LinkedIn.
I hope to see you there! :)
Hey! Come party with 2,360 creators. I'll help you create opportunities on the internet & sneak through "third doors."
Read time: 3 mins 📢 Spoiler alert: I have an important update at the end of this email... Hey Reader, I'll be honest; I'm not sure about the freelancing course I put out last week. It was an experiment. I wanted to see: What the unsubscribe rate would be How it would feel to put it out there Whether anyone would book a call It's a mixed bag on all these things, and I felt a little dirty putting the course out there. Why? I copied the style from another creator and it didn't really vibe with...
Read time: 3.5 minutes Hey Reader, I recently moved into my new apartment! 🥳️ And not long after, I lost a major client 🤪 Months of steady work and then suddenly POOF - I wasn't needed anymore. Company structuring. Layoffs. Gone. If this happened to me two years ago, I would have FREAKED OUT! But this time? I was like "meh". That's because I've developed a system for landing gigs and making that sweet $$ As a result, I recently closed two new clients, taking my income back to where it was a...
Read time: 1 minute Hey Reader, Now I know what you're thinking: You're a writer, Scott! Why are you recording YouTube videos?! I hear you! The truth is, the video I've just uploaded might be a one-off. I had grand plans to do a whole series around introverts. But after finishing this video, I've realised how much time YouTube takes. Writing the script, recording the video, editing, making a thumbnail, writing the description... It's a lot! And although I could outsource the process, I'm not...