#1 problem for writers - do you have it too?

Read time: 1 minute

Hey Reader,

When people join my free 30-Day Writing Challenge, I ask them two questions:

  1. What timezone do you live in? (So I can coordinate calls)
  2. What do you hope to get from the writing challenge?

I've received 25 responses so far and typed them onto a notepad.

There's one reason that most writers said.

Take a look at this list and guess which one you think it is:

The #1 reason I saw time and time again was consistency.

Does this sound like you?

I can help :)

It's not too late to join me and 11 other writers for my FREE 30-Day Writing Challenge! We've got writers from all over the world taking part, including the US, Canada, UK, Latvia, and Greece, and today is the official kick-off!

So submit this Google Form if you want to take part, and I hope to see you in our Discord channel soon!


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Helping solopreneurs make a full-time income whilst travelling the world (just like me!) Join 1,740 writers and get my FREE 19-page guide to help you build a profitable online business.

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